Saturday, April 16, 2011

Magnolia x soulangeana

MAGNOLIA (after Pierre Magnol, professor of medicine and director of the botanic garden at Montpellier. 1638-1715). Magnoliacea. Highly ornamental anil popular deciduous or evergreen trees or shrubs, with alternate large, entire leaves and large white, pink or purple, rarely yellowish flowers, often fragrant; the cone-shaped fruits are often pink or scarlet and very decorative. Mont of tlie deciduous species are fairly hardy, at least in sheltered positions, as far north as northern N. Y. and Mass., and acvminala, Koltus and ttellata even farther north, while JU. Vampbelli is the most tender.

Of the evergreen species, M. grandiflora, one of the most beautiful native trees, is precariously hardy north to Philadelphia. The Asiatic deciduous species are among the most showy and striking of the early-flowering trees and shrubs; the earliest is the shrubby M. stellata, blooming in mild climates in March, and after this Ytilun comes in bloom, closely followed by M. Soulangtana and after this M.obovnla. The handsomest of the deciduous species is probably M. hypoltuca, with the very large leaves silvery white lielow and with showy, sweet-scented flowers; also the American M. macrophyll'i and tripelala are conspicuous by their very large foliage. The Magnolias are usually planted as single specimens on the lawn, and there are, perhaps, no plants more striking against a background of dark green conifers. Some species, as Al.grandiflora in the South and acuminate farther north, are fine avenue trees.
Magnolia x soulangeana

Magnolia x soulangeana

Magnolia x soulangeana
The Magnolias thrive best in somewhat rich, moderately moist and porous soil, preferring sandy or peaty loam, but some kinds which usually grow naturally on the borders of swamps, as glauca, thrive as well in moist and swampy situations. Transplanting is difficult and is most successfully performed just when the new growth is starting. Prop, by seeds sown immediately or stratified, and by layers of last year's growth put down in spring and tongued or notched.

Layers are usually severed and transplanted the following spring, but as many of them die after transplanting, it Is a safer way to take them off early in July, when the new growth has ripened, plant them in pots and keep in a close frame until they are established. Varieties and rarer kinds are often veneer- or side-grafted in early spring or summer on potted stock in the greenhouse or frame; as a stock tripetala is perhaps the best, on account of better fibrous roots, which render transplanting safer, but M. acuminata is also a good stock Sometimes increased by greenwood cuttings taken with a heel and handled under glass.

About 20 species in N. America, south to Mexico, Himalayas and E. Asia. Trees and shrubs, with rather stout branches marked with conspicuous leaf-scars; stipules usually adnate to the petiole and enclosing the young successive leaf: fls. terminal, solitary, the buds inclosed in a stipular spathe; sepals 3, often petaloid; petals 6-15; stamens and carpels numerous, the latter connate into a spindle, developing into a cone-like somewhat fleshy or leathery fr., with dehiscent, 1-2-seeded carpels; the large, usually scarlet seeds often suspended for a time from the fr. by thin threads. The wood is close-grained, usually light and satiny, but not durable; that of M. hi/polt«ca is much used in Japan for lacquered ware; the bark and fr. of some species have been used medicinally as a tonic and stimulant.

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Magnolia soulangeana, Saucer Magnolia. This hybrid between a tree and a shrub, both natives of Japan, is represented by many intermediate forms between those of the parents, a number of which are perfectly hardy here. It is probably the best magnolia for general planting. It bears abundant blossoms every year, which are large and attractive, ranging in color from white to purple. Two varieties of this hybrid which have done well are Lenne Magnolia (M. soulangeana lennei) with large purple flowers, and the Large Saucer Magnolia (M. soulangeana alba superfcn), both interesting novelties.

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