In Buffalo, New York, on July 17, 1902, in response to a quality problem experienced at the Sackett-Wilhelms Lithographing & Publishing Company of Brooklyn, Willis Carrier submitted drawings for what became recognized as the world's first modern air conditioning system.
In many industries, such as the manufacture of textiles, food products, high explosives, photographic films, tobacco, etc., regulation of the humidity of the atmosphere is of great importance. "Rational Psychrorhetic Formula;," a paper by Willis H. Carrier, dealt with the subject of the artificial regulation of atmospheric moisture, technically known as air conditioning.
A paper, "Air-conditioning Apparatus," defining the principles governing its application and operation, was delivered by Willis H. Carrier and Frank L. Busey.
THIS FROM: The annual dinner of the members of the Society and of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers and the Boston Section of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers will be given on January 15, 1912, at the Hotel Somerset. The Boston Society of Civil Engineers will have charge of the meeting and committees are actively at work on the arrangements. Addresses will be made by officials of the three organizations represented. FRIDAY MORNING, PROFESSIONAL SESSION
The concluding professional session of the convention was held on Friday morning in the auditorium, and was exceptionally well attended.
Two papers on air conditioning were then presented by the author, Willis H. Carrier of Buffalo, N. Y., Rational Psychrometric Formulae: Their Relations to the Problems of Meteorology and of Air Conditioning; and Air-Conditioning Apparatus. In the latter paper F. L. Busey of Buffalo acted as joint author. Both papers, which supplemented one another, dealt with the artificial regulation of atmospheric moisture, and gave a theoretical discussion of the subject, developing formulae for the solution of problems. They were discussed by R. C. Carpenter, L. S. Marks, H. E. Longwell, 0. P. Hood, R. C. H. Heck, J. I. Lyle, F. R. Still, Thos. M. Gunn and H. M. Prevost-Murphy.
A paper on Some Experiences with the Pitot Tube on High and Low Air Velocities, was then presented by the author, Frank H. Kneeland of Gary, W. Va., which related to the use of the Pitot tube for the measurement of flow of large volumes of air and tests made at the plant of the United States Coal and Coke Company at Gary. The paper was discussed by G. D. Gebhardt, R. C. Carpenter and W. H. Carrier.

Willis Haviland Carrier (November 26, 1876 – October 6, 1950) was an American engineer and inventor, most widely known as the man who invented modern air conditioning.
Description: Willis Carrier in 1915. Date: 1915. Source: Carrier Corporation.
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By 100th Anniversary Press Kit - Carrier Corp (Carrier Corporation) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.