| WIRE (WYTL 65612) Saugerties, NY, 65-foot Small Harbor Tug (WYTL), Length: 65 feet, Beam: 16 feet, Displacement: 72 tons. Power Plant: upgrading to 500 HP |
The WYTLs were built between 1962 and 1967. They are employed only on the east coast, from Maine to Virginia. (USCG photo)
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U.S. Coast Guard Imagery Server is considered public information (PUBLIC DOMAIN) (except where noted for government and military users logged into restricted areas) and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline, photo, image credits is requested.
![Tug[boat]s Eugene F. Moran and William J. Tracy, REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-USZ62-134628, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.](//photos1.blogger.com/blogger2/7536/1681/200/ships_boats_tug_2.jpg) | TITLE: Tug[boat]s Eugene F. Moran and William J. Tracy, two of the many "workhorses" that keep New York harbor traffic moving, nudge Caronia into pier, World Telegram & Sun photo by Orlando Fernandez. |
Digital ID: cph 3c34628 Source: digital file from b&w film copy neg. Reproduction Number: LC-USZ62-134628 (b&w film copy neg.) Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
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CALL NUMBER: NYWTS - SUBJ/GEOG--Shipping--Tugboats [item] [P&P], REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-USZ62-134628 (b&w film copy neg.) No known copyright restriction. For information see "New York World-Telegram
MEDIUM: 1 photographic print. CREATED/PUBLISHED: 1961. NOTES: Title from news agency caption. NYWT&S staff photograph. Date stamped on verso: Nov 23 1961. Forms part of: New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection (Library of Congress).
PART OF: New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection (Library of Congress)
REPOSITORY: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA. DIGITAL ID: (digital file from b&w film copy neg.) cph 3c34628
hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/, CARD #: 2004676722
Credit Line: Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, [reproduction number, Reproduction Number: LC-USZ62-134628]
MARC Record Line 54: No known restrictions on publication.
 | 061017-N-8148A-071 Bahrain (Oct. 8, 2006) – The chartered barge Ocean 6 being towed by tug boat Dona II in the Persian Gulf. The barge features all the information and coordination capabilities |
of a coalition warship's Combat Information Center. Ocean 6 will act as a command and control platform for personnel assigned to protect the Khawr Al Amaya Oil Terminal and Al Basrah Oil Terminal. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Kitt Amaritnant (RELEASED)
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