+sookie tex. Sunflower State Flower of Kansas. Public Domain Clip Art Stock Photos and Images.
An Act designating and declaring the helianthus or sunflower to be the state flower and floral emblem of the state of Kansas.
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus). Sunflowers originated in North America and were grown for food and hair oil by Native Americans. Sunflower seeds contain a higher percentage of oil than soybean seeds, but their higher price—and continued popularity as a food—may impede their use for biodiesel. Photo by Bruce Fritz.
United States Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Research Service. Please note photos in our Image Gallery are copyright-free, public domain, images unless otherwise indicated. These photos may not be used to infer or imply ARS endorsement of any product, company, or position.
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Wild relatives of the genus Helianthus (sunflower) are abundant in U.S. gene banks, because sunflower is one of the few crops native to North America. Shown is a wild annual sunflower, H. annuus, one of 73 total species represented. Photo by Peggy Greb.
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Whekeas, Kansas has a native wild flower common throughout her borders, hardy and conspicuous, of definite, unvarying and striking shape, easily sketched, molded, and carved, having armorial capacities, ideally adapted for artistic reproduction, with its strong, distinct disk and its golden circle of clear glowing rays -a flower that a child can draw on a slate, a woman can work in silk, or a man can carve on stone or fashion in clay; and
Whereas, This flower has to all Kansans a historic symbolism which speaks of frontier days, winding
trails, pathless prairies, and is full of the life aai' > glory of the past, the pride of the present, and ri emblematic of the majesty of a golden future, and i a flower which has given Kansas the world-wide n "the Sunflower State": therefore,
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kanta*:
Section 1. That the helianthus or wild native sunflower is hereby made, designated and declared to be the state flower and floral emblem of the state of Kansas.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be in full fore* from and after its publication in the statute-book. Approved March 12, 1903.
Photo frrom the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's online digital media library. Presently, the library system contains the National Image Library, the Service's collection of public domain still photos.
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Year of State Flower Legislation 1903. 10-14’ tall plant with large spadelike leaves and 6-12” yellow flowers with yellow black centers at the top of the stalks. The seeds are edible and the oil is extracted for use in cooking. The flowers habit of turning to face the sun is known as Heliotropism.
Symbol: HEAN3 Group: Dicot Family: Asteraceae Growth Habit: Forb/herb Duration: Annual U.S. Nativity: Native domesticated about 1000 bc. There are 440 members of the family genera in Asteraceae, 62 species in Helianthus. The sunflower is also Known by the Spanish name girasol and is indigenous to all 50 states.
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